Monday, March 9, 2009


First, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Meagen, I have been creative since I was little. Instead of Barbies, I had construction paper and crayons. I have a few blogs that can be found here and here, but I started this blog for two reasons. First I need an outlet for my creativity and second, I want to archive it. Actually three reasons, I want feedback on my creations! I want to know what people think of them, changes they might make, new techniques, etc.

I like all kinds of crafts including bookbinding, photography, latch-hook, and I hope to teach myself to knit this year. In the past I have been very involved with scrapbooking but haven't done anything recently. I worked for a scrapbooking magazine for a number of years and had many layouts published over that time. I also designed a font, which was an interesting process. (For those that care, the magazine was PaperKuts. It went out of business shortly after I left, so there isn't anything for me to link to now.) Anyway, I hope people enjoy my new blog. I'm not sure how often there will be new posts, (sometimes I go a while without doing any new projects) but I'll do my best to keep it up to date at least a few times a month. Enjoy!

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